
Spinal Fusion

Spinal Fusion (Lumbar)

What is Spinal Fusion?

Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure that corrects the spinal condition caused by spondylolisthesis, in which weakened joints or fractured bones allow a vertebra to slip forward and pinch a nerve root. The pinched nerve can cause pain to radiate down to the legs and feet through the sciatic nerve.

Schedule an Appointment

To learn more about treatment options for spinal fusion, please request an appointment online, or call 509-444-6325.

Make an Appointment

Appointment Resources

Once you have scheduled your appointment with one of our spine doctors, please use the link below to obtain our new patient forms and browse through our tips and preparation suggestions for your appointment. 

Preparing for My Appointment & New Patient Forms

“I am now 15 weeks out from having a major back surgery. Each week, I am finding that I am doing more and more, and the back troubles I experienced prior to the surgery have so far not returned. I still have a small amount of numbness, along with a bit of burning sensation from where they had to go through the hip muscle, but that too is getting less and less as time goes along. I have a greater appreciation of how I need to care for my back so that I do not develop some of the same issues I experienced before—which were quite severe and almost debilitating. A big THANK YOU goes out to Dr. Shuster and his PA, John Boyd, for a very successful surgery and to Dani for taking care of everything leading up to the surgery and afterwards. You ALL rock!!” — Gail P.

“In the fall of 2009, I had a spinal fusion. The surgery was done by Dr. John Shuster, and it was a good experience for me. I liked the doctor and no longer have any pain in my back. I am very happy with the results.” — Kitty S.

“I have had a low-back L4-L5 fusion. Surgery date was in February. As of today, I am golfing regularly. I do P90x on a regular basis and add in some spin classes and Insanity classes and have no problems sitting in my car for a 5-hour car ride anymore. I am very satisfied with my surgery and would recommend Dr. Shuster to any patient that is contemplating surgery.” — Patrick G.

“If not my life, I certainly owe the enjoyment of my life to Dr. Shuster. A little over two years ago, I started suffering tremendous, almost indescribable, pain in my shoulder and arm. When I saw my family doctor, he thought the problem might be in my neck, but an MRI was read as normal. Confounded, Dr. Eastburn sent me to Dr. Shuster, the best diagnostician he knew." Dr. Shuster immediately recognized that the problem was indeed in my neck. He looked at the MRI and saw where where he knew my problem was originating from (apparently I moved when the MRI was taken). Dr. Shuster was able to get my insurance company to approve another MRI for which I was sedated. The second picture reviewed two injured disks in the area that had been clouded in the first picture. Dr. Shuster performed surgery, and I am now pain-free. Following surgery, I was able to return to my passion of running. I have since run a half marathon, a marathon, am in training for a marathon in a month, and will run my first 50-mile race in October. ALL PAIN-FREE! Before seeing Dr. Shuster, I couldn't even sit in a chair or lie in bed next to my wife. Walking was a long, painful experience of a few excruciating yards at a time. Dr. Shuster and the staff at Northwest Orthopaedic Specialists will forever be in my appreciative thoughts and prayers!” — David S.